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Septic Services Blog

The Construction Of An Underground Sand And Gravel Drainage System

Where Does the Waste Go? – Leach Fields Explained

Septic system ownership is a liberating experience—one that allows us to live where and how we like. Septic systems give us more options for where we build our homes, freeing us up from the typical grid and empowering us to…

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Household Cleaning Items Calhoun County, AL

Think Before You Drain – Harmful Household Chemicals

The phrase, “Better living through chemistry,” might as well be the anthem of the modern world. If we could take a peek beneath the kitchen sinks of every household in America, we’d find dozens of bottles of various chemicals used…

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Man Pumping An Underground Septic Tank

Signs of a Full Septic Tank (And What to Do Next)

When compared to sewer systems, septic systems present innumerable advantages. Septic systems are clean, sustainable, reliable, and affordable, and with regular maintenance some septic systems can even outlast your residency in a home.  But while sewers belong to a community,…

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Septic System Bacteria Help To Break Down Waste

Getting to Know Your Septic System’s Bacteria

The human world is full of big things. For instance: there’s our big house surrounded by tall trees on a piece of decent land in a large county.  Because we (and the things we build) are typically big by our…

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Open Septic System After Being Dug Out

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Septic Systems

What do buried treasure, Egyptian ruins, and septic systems all have in common? It may sound like a cheap joke, but the answer’s pretty obvious: they’re all underground. It’s easy to conjure rumors and invent myths about things we neither…

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Toilet Flapper On A Residential Toilet

To Flush or Not to Flush These Common Household Items

Modern septic systems are ecological marvels, waste disposal masterpieces designed to accompany a home wherever it’s built. Impressive though they are, septic systems can’t handle everything. User error can sabotage a healthy system causing loss of function and costly damage.…

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Covered Underground Septic Tank Surrounded By The Drainfield

Septic System Advantages – Choosing Septic Over Sewer

Modern domestic and commercial drainage systems come in roughly two options – local sewer systems or individual septic systems. For many of us, the choice may be made already, since moving into an existing home usually means using its existing…

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Septic System Openings Over The Drain Field

Keeping Your Septic System Healthy – Basic Care Tips

Once the tank is buried and the toilets flush, it’s easy to forget about your friendly, handy septic system. It’s also tempting to think that, without much input from you, your septic system will remain healthy and operational for years…

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